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From academia to science communication

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Science is my passion. I still remember the first time I stepped into a laboratory, back in 1999. At 15 years old, I knew that all I wanted was to spend my time looking through a microscope and get delighted by the exciting microworld. Yes, that was the place I wanted to develop and grow a profession, I thought. Since then, I have had extraordinary and valuable experiences as a student in the pharmaceutical sciences, working as a research assistant, as a graduate in neuropharmacology, and later as a postdoctoral associate. My world has been nourished by constant learning and troubleshooting because science is all about that: trying, failing, learning, trying, failing, learning, growing, succeeding, changing, evolving, and learning again. 


But there was something that, at some point, I felt I was lacking. I started to realize that I was missing a part of science that is as important as designing protocols, doing experiments, or hypothesizing. And that was sharing my research. I was not telling the world why it was valuable and how it would make a difference. Then, I discovered that I was also passionate about science communication. I started focusing my career on education, raising awareness on science-related subjects, communicating through visuals, and writing for the general public. Yes, science is my passion, and now I am eager to communicate the world why.

Interviews and panels

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